
So we’ve given the little guy bits of avocado, which he loves. The occasional bit of banana, let him suck the juice out of a muskmelon and turn the pulp to mush, which he also seems to like. A few cheerios that he has mashed into oblivion. In the last week or so, though, he’s been showing a crazy interest in food. He’s taught me a couple of lessons:

1. Don’t put your frosted cinnasquares from the pizza shop on the table that you are letting your baby practice his standing on. The results: one very sticky foot.

2. Don’t put your hot dish of food within two arms reach of the child on your lap. Thank goodness I caught him before he put his hand in my piping hot dish – the intent however was clear enough.

3. Letting babies eat real food is a messy business. We all know this, but tell me how Keith got banana bits on his thigh? 🙂

So we let him try some banana for real this morning after he stopped nursing completely to watch me stick bits of monkey bread into my mouth. The results: one very sticky husband and one even stickier baby:


And some other random shots of Levi:

Thanks Grandma Judy for the Jumpy !!!


I can’t remember if it was Heather or Tiff who got the leopard, but he seems to like it:

