What I’m Thankful for…

Since it is the month of Thanksgiving (My favorite holiday!) I though I would list the things that I am thankful for, one for every day of the month. Today is the 9th, so I have some catching up to do. Each time I update the site, I will post from the last day posted to make my list current. And for those of you who say my blog has become only about Levi, well, you are kinda right. So here’s one post that doesn’t have everything to do with Levi.

#1. God
#2. Keith
#3. Levi
#4. Riverview
#5. A house
#6. ample food
#7. family
#8. friends
#9. being born in the USA

And seriously, what would a post be without a Levi pic? He is cruising around now and so darned cute!

It’s just too bad he only gets fed when Grandpa and Grandma Stanley are around. I have pictures to prove it!

gary.jpgfridge.jpg < –Hungry boy scrounging for food

I relented and let him have a banana… but he has to feed himself! 😉