Summer Vacation?

As you may have guessed from my lack of updates, I’ve been a bit busy this summer. After heading to the DR, I had two weeks until the start of summer classes. Which would have been great, if we’d had electricity in our house and I was able to unpack/do laundry/etc to catch up after vacation. Unfortunately, we got back to the house with 1/2 power on Sunday night. It wasn’t until Friday night that power was restored. So then classes started, and six credit hours of 500 level classes are a bit time consuming during the summer. Not to mention the fact that I had to chase around a quick and lively toddler in the off times. But I had lots of help; I was lucky enough to get my little sisters, Heather and Tiffany, to come be my slaves for 3 weeks each. 🙂 Here they are:


So classes are over (which I aced) – and now, I am getting ready to start my student teaching experience at St. Johns Oakview South Elementary. I will be in a self-contained, Cognitive Impaired classroom with grades 3-5. My host teacher is certified in Learning Disabilities, which is fabulous ~ since that is the area I am interested in most. She also co-teaches with another special ed teacher, who is certified in CI, so I am covered both ways. I am so looking forward to this experience and am excited to be working there with them.

So back to that lively toddler… he has finally reached the 20# mark so we could turn his carseat around. (Well, most days he’s over 20#). He’s busy getting into everything and running everywhere. I can tell why he doesn’t gain any weight!!! If I ran that much, I’d be much smaller too! 😉 Here are some pics of our little man. He’s certainly not a baby anymore ~

Favorite summer foods: (and, yes, that ear of corn IS raw!)

You get extra points if you can figure out what he has here:

Who put this gooey stuff on a perfectly good graham cracker? Ewww…

And we’ve learned lots of new things! Music comes out of these weird wires when they are attached to the white and silver box, but mysteriously stops when the wire comes out! Imagine that!

While at Grandpa Doug and Grandma Debs, I helped fix this pump!

We were camping there for a few days while they went on vacation. We had to feed the bunnies and kitties. But we also had some fun…

And I got to help drive the boat!!!

Oh and I drive the car too. 🙂 Now, if I could just get Mom to leave the keys in there too, I’d be all set!

Grandma Judy helped me ride a bike! Yay, Grandma! That was fun!

Guess who? Peek-a-boo!

Phew… after all that, I’m super tired.


2 responses to “Summer Vacation?”

  1. Looks like you had a great place to take a vacation! Thanks for helping with the critters here! All are doing well, bunnies got BIG! Looks like your little mechanic will soon be finding plumbing as a new hobby. He is so curious. Thanks again for house sitting. love, Dad & Ma