More Levi Pictures…

Well, we are home now, so the internet access has changed from hi-speed wireless to slow-mo dial-up. 🙁 Which means uploading pictures takes forever, but Levi is resting peacefully, Daddy is at work, and Mommy is free to do some stuff. Everything is going really well here; Levi is such a good baby and only really gets worked up when he gets a diaper change. This boy does NOT like to be naked. So here are some new Levi pictures:

Levi Home  He’s so little and cute! (Not that I’m biased or anything… ) 🙂

Levi Initiating Daddy Daddy got initiated here. We were going to give him a bath and when Keith looked down, he realized that Levi upchucked on him as well as had the poopy diaper all up his backside.

Levi’s had quite a few visitors! Here are a few pics: Mike, Deb, Wendy, and Monica…

Levi Mike  deb-levi.jpg  wendy-levi.jpg  monica-levi.jpg

And here’s a pic of him just sleeping happily, quite content.



One response to “More Levi Pictures…”

  1. The picture of Levi with Monica is a quite excellent photo of Levi. Both of them are smiling (yay!) and it really shows off his features. I’m having a dickens of a time figuring out who he looks like. Neither Keith nor Martha has a cute little baby face…

    And who’se that good looking man in the goatee? He looks happy to be there. 🙂 Based on the photos we’ve seen so far, we think he looks most like…Deb! Is it just the photos or is he a little redhead?