Hey All! We have returned to Michigan, and I am writing my final post about the Mississippi trip. It makes me sad; it was such an awesome experience and I wish, as the rest of the team does, that there was more that we could do and accomplish while we were there. It seems like we did so little, but I know that what we did do made a small dent. We have aided the healing process for the community. Praise God for giving us all the strength to help out and make a difference.
Here is a group photo we took on the last day in front of Billy’s house. Billy is a 14 year old who touched the heart of one of our team members, Tim, by just being Billy. He took it upon himself to gut his house out and took out all the appliances without the aid of his parents; he just did what needed to be done, and thus it has become to all there “Billy’s House”. What a special kid; he is the blond with longish hair in the front row.
Going to Mississippi was one of the most powerful experiences of my life. Meeting the folks whose homes were destroyed and working alongside of others who wanted nothing more than to help is truly a wondrous thing. It restores a bit of faith in humanity. This post would not be complete without mentioning the leaders who coordinate the operation. Rev. Jones, who has opened his church to aid in relief. Sam and Richard who help to lead. And Bro. Benny, who is living a sacrificial life. His personality is as big as his voice, and he is truly a man living for God, unafraid to bare his soul and unashamed of who he is; humbled because of where he has been. What a wonderful man:
This last photo really holds the spirit of those affected by Katrina. Weather worn, yes, but not beaten. I like the symbolism of this photo.