Musing of a mother…

As we transition little Levi from the bassinet to the crib, I realize that he is not so “little” anymore. Everyone remarks, “Oh, he’s so tiny! He must have been little when he was born.” No, not really, a good healthy seven pounds. And at three months, he weighed in at just over twelve pounds. He is gaining at a healthy rate and we couldn’t be more pleased with him. For the most part, he is sleeping through the night, he is able to put himself to sleep (at home, at least – other places throw him off), and is generally a very happy boy. He is smiling at us and getting more playful, and he even tries to roll over, though he can’t quite figure out how to get that other arm out from underneath him. He is growing so fast.

I cannot believe that he is going into size 2 diapers already. There are so many changes right now – the transition to the crib (and his own room), a bigger diaper, smiling at us, and most of all, how he looks. He is no longer mistaken for a newborn – he has definitely matured to infant stage. It sounds strange to me to say a three month old has matured, but Keith and I were laying on the bed gazing at our little one, and both were just amazed at the transformation that occurred over night, it seemed. You see, normally he sleeps through until about 6 am, but for three nights in row last week, Levi woke between 3 and 4 a.m. And it was after these wakeful nights that Keith and I realized that our little boy is growing up.

Of course, this isn’t a “sudden” realization. We knew it was coming. We’ve heard that it comes so quickly. I think, though, that it is the reality of it, and not just the anticipation of it happening. It just sneaks up on you. Kind of like the realization that you love this little life more than your own life. Of course, you know that before he is born. But when you gaze upon the little soul that you have brought into this world, you can’t help but feel that a big chunk of your heart has forever been given to this little sprite that can’t even say “i love you” back. And you realize what it means to be a mom, or a parent, and feel that sort of unparalleled love.

And so, some recent pics of our little man:

bassinet.jpg – The day we came home from the hospital, 3/27.

bass2.jpg– This past friday, 6/29.

naptime.jpg – naptime

bathtime.jpg bathtime

2 responses to “Musing of a mother…”

  1. aawwwwwwww. Sounds like someone just stepped off the dock into the deep end. 🙂

    Welcome to parenthood. Write a lot of your observations about master Levi down, because before long you won’t remember them. Trust me on this…