Category: Uncategorized

  • Think it’d be cheaper to ship him to Savoonga this way?

  • well I will post it again ONE KR2S FOR SALE fuse in boat stage corvair core corvair mount spars and a lot of odds and ends If you would like to see more click on the KR project link on the right

  • It’s Official

    We are moving to Alaska. I accepted an offer from the BSSD in Savoonga. We are so excited. On August 6, we leave from Metro to our new home. Don’t know much about Savoonga? Watch…

  • Family Pic

  • Been a while since I’ve updated. So here is an update. Courses, done. Student teaching – SpEd, done. Student teaching – GenEd, done. MTTC, (teacher cert test), scheduled. Graduation, May. Certification following. Job hunt, done. The job hunt is going well. I have an exciting and, yes, adventurous prospect. I will know the status of…

  • Happy Birthday Levi

    8:45 a.m. two years ago, I had my first glimpse of Levi. It was definitely love at first sight. It’s funny how something so little can be so powerful. I sit here in awe of God’s greatness, and His perfect design – with “Vrroooom, vrrroooom” in the background as Levi plays with a new birthday…

  • Yummy

    These bars are SO yummy. I cleaned out my fridge today and had some apples that were about ready to be tossed and some blueberries that had been picked over, and a handful of strawberries. So I googled “apple strawberry blueberry” and came across this yummy recipe: Oh, so good. I changed the recipe…

  • Pic of the Day

    My little tyrant does not like clothes. My house thermostat is set at 65F during the day. Thus my little tyrant often curls under some sort of covering (blankets, tablecloths, laundry, towels) when he is nekked, which makes for very cute pics. 🙂

  • Busy, Busy, Busy

    It’s been a while since I’ve written an update. I’ve been pretty busy with school and student teaching – which is going great! My host teachers are both fabulous teachers and I am learning so much from them. Woot, woot! I am done the second week of December, and then it’s 12 weeks of General…

  • KR up date 08/25/08

    Well I am posting an update, so that means I did not sell my KR. NOPE, I am back to building! see 🙂 The next is dry glass over the canopy bottom frame. Here the glass is wetted out and drying. after both sides are dried it is time for the test, and it OPENS!…