Happy New Year!
I trust you all had a safe New Years Celebration! We had a nice, quiet evening with friends from church and I toasted in the New Year with Welch’s finest. 🙂 It’s been a bit since I’ve updated, but we’ve been busy. I finished the semester off without getting sick again until finals week. I…
Feeling Better
I have a feeling that as soon as I type this, I’m going to start feeling yucky again. But it has been a whole week and a half since I have felt the all day nausea stuff and throwing up yuckyiness. Could it be that the morning sickness (which is NOT only in the morning)…
20 week Ultrasound Yesterday!
Hey all! You gotta check out these ultrasound pics from yesterday. Our tech was so wonderful, and took the time to explain all the parts she was looking at. The heart has four chambers, the brain is right on track, the bladder had ‘fluid’ and the tummy had stuff in it too. She pointed out…
kr update
well its been a while so i thought i would do an up date. MY wife and i attended the 2006 KR gathering this year and cha ching INSPIRATION! talk about luck a friend gave me this engine it is a corvair 110 THANKS TERRY! I have recently made my first fiberglass lay-up on my…
Snow, wonderful snow!!!
Imagine my surprise as I looked out the window this morning to this glorious sight: Okay, well, there is no picture because for some reason it won’t upload! And Matt is not online yet to tell what is the problem! Matt… help!!!! OK, well, I put a picture in using a tag from photobucket, but…
Wow, already October…
and I haven’t posted in way too long. I’m going to blame it on the little one kicking around in my tummy. S/he has been making me sick and sooo nauseous. Right now, I am 15 weeks along and things seem to be progressing nicely. Our due date is March 28, 2007 or somewhere around…
In Our Garden…
There are lots and lots of veggies. This is what has been keeping me busy, along with my courses at LCC this semester. Note to self: 3 classes in summer semester is one too many. Here are some pics of my garden; if you live close enough, come get some. The Garden Watermelons & Canteloupes…
Hi All!
It’s been a hectic month for me! School has kept me pretty busy. Three classes during one summer session is one too many! I also usually play volleyball on Tuesday nights. The 7th was Keith’s birthday, and we went to the Surl’s and had dinner with them then went to see Pirates of the Carribbean.…
kr update
Well, the talk on the net was on peel ply. Peel ply is a synthetic cloth that is not compatible with fiberglass resin. When the fiberglass resin cures the synthetic cloth “peel ply” is pulled off from the fiberglass leaving a smooth finish. Anyhoo, I made two mock lay-ups: the first with peel ply, the…
kr update
The following are some pictures of todays progress on my kr2s. I started the day by building the “V” shaped piece that transfers the load from the spar to the fuselage. Next, I laminated two strips of thin spruce to the rudder post. The spar was originally cut for the old airfoil and was to…