Category: Uncategorized

  • Today’s up date, Martha and Levi cuddling. Dr. Aurand releasing us. 

  • Levi day two

    All is  good here;  we should be going home Tuesday. Here are a couple pictures to enjoy Grandpa and Grandma simerson saying hi for the first time Grandma  Stanley  saying  hi  for  the  first time Grandpa Doug and myself trying to tie a shirt on Levi. Quiet and beautiful all in the same picture.

  • Levi Nathanael Crawford

    Every body welcome Levi Nathanael Crawford Born at 8:45 a.m., 3/25/07. 7 pounds even, and 18 1/2″ long. We did a totally natural childbirth, thanks to the encouragement of my Wonderful Husband and our Birthing Doula who kept reminding me that that was what I wanted. Directly after birth, cleaning him up. Tummy time right…

  • Missing post

    Where’s the post telling us more about your little boy? Tap. Tap. Is this thing on? Enquring (and nosy) siblings want to know!

  • 70% and 2

    Had my 39 week appointment today, and as you can probably guess by the Title line, I am 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced! 🙂 Yay, since I haven’t had contractions at all that I can positively say are contractions, I expected to be told that I wasn’t dilated at all. So though I know…

  • Getting ready for baby…

    I know it’s been forever since I posted anything. It’s been pretty hectic here lately, getting the nursery room ready and everything else done. It’s getting very close. We need to finish a few things but it should be pretty much done by the end of the week. I had two lovely showers and got…

  • Our New Addition

    So I was at the post office the other day and saw this poor pitiful looking kitty, and it was cold and snowy and the poor kitty was so skinny and uncared for. Upon closer inspection, his tail was crooked in at least three places and he was missing a patch of fur on his…

  • Happy New Year!

    I trust you all had a safe New Years Celebration! We had a nice, quiet evening with friends from church and I toasted in the New Year with Welch’s finest. 🙂 It’s been a bit since I’ve updated, but we’ve been busy. I finished the semester off without getting sick again until finals week. I…

  • Feeling Better

    I have a feeling that as soon as I type this, I’m going to start feeling yucky again. But it has been a whole week and a half since I have felt the all day nausea stuff and throwing up yuckyiness. Could it be that the morning sickness (which is NOT only in the morning)…

  • 20 week Ultrasound Yesterday!

    Hey all! You gotta check out these ultrasound pics from yesterday. Our tech was so wonderful, and took the time to explain all the parts she was looking at. The heart has four chambers, the brain is right on track, the bladder had ‘fluid’ and the tummy had stuff in it too. She pointed out…